Thursday, March 8, 2007

community service

Community Service

I think that community service is very important. I have never really had the time to do it because I have always been busy with sports or work. I have volunteered at my church with different activities when I was younger. I went on a mission trip to Minnesota when I was in the fifth grade. We had to raise all the money to go there ourselves. We all went down to the poor area in Minnesota and helped clean up yards and the streets. We also helped rebuild some little houses for the people. It really makes you feel good after doing community service. It made me feel like I really made a difference in someone’s life. I would like to do more someday. I have always been interested in helping out with the Special Olympics. I think that is a really good program. It really makes the kids and adults feel good after competing and just being involved in something. It makes the volunteers feel just as good as the participants. Volunteering is a good thing to do and I think that everyone should do it at least one time in their life just to see what it is like. You will be surprised that after you do it once you will want to keep doing it again.

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